FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need to register as a member to purchase products?

S: You can purchase immediately without registering as a member. After adding the desired product to your shopping cart, you can purchase it immediately.

Q: How do I make payment?

S: Support PayPal payment.  √ Enter personal information on the payment page > Enter card information > Click Pay. 

Q: How long does the average delivery time take?

S: Since it is overseas shipping, it takes an average of 7 to 15 days (including business days) after payment is completed. If the item does not arrive after the standard delivery date, please contact the customer service center ([email protected] ). * The delivery period may vary depending on the characteristics of the product or the order quantity.

Q: What are the shipping fee types?

S: Shipping cost determined based on seller settings and product features * Shipping cost type

  1. Free shipping: Free shipping regardless of amount, quantity, etc.
  2. Paid shipping: Buyer pays shipping costs regardless of amount, quantity, etc. (Orders can only be processed with the shipping cost set for the product)

Q: If I request an order cancellation, will it be cancelled immediately?

S: √ It can be cancelled immediately only in the status of waiting for deposit, waiting for payment, and payment completed, and cannot be cancelled (return processed) after the product is shipped. It cannot be cancelled in the status of shipping, shipping start, and shipping completed, and must be processed as a return. In the status of preparing for shipping, it takes time to check whether the product has been shipped, and it is displayed as order cancellation. In this case, you can contact the seller directly for faster processing, and if the product has already been shipped, cancellation is not possible. ※ If the buyer cancels the order due to a reason, the buyer is responsible for the return cost.

Q: What is the difference between a return and a cancellation?

S: √ Cancellation is possible before shipping, and return is processed after shipping based on whether the product has been shipped. Immediate cancellation is possible only during the payment waiting/payment waiting/payment complete stages. If it is being prepared for shipping, confirmation of shipping status is required. Cancellation is not possible during shipping start/shipping/shipping complete stages, and return must be processed within 7 days of shipping completion.

Q: How do I proceed with the exchange?

S: √ If it is within 7 days of delivery completion, please enclose a note with your name, contact information, reason for exchange, etc. in My Shopping > All Orders and pack it in the delivered condition. (The person who provided the reason is responsible for the exchange shipping fee) Please write down your options to check stock and only exchange for the same product, so if you want a different product, please return it and reorder.

Q: Can I change the shipping address?

S: You can only change it when it is in the payment waiting or payment completed status. If it is in the shipping preparation status, please check with the seller to see if it can be changed. Even if you change the address, if the product has already been shipped, it may not be applied. For specific details, please contact the customer service center. 

S:  If you have any other questions, please contact the online customer service center or send an email at any time. Email:[email protected]